Laundry Pod’s Cost Comparison

Laundry pod's cost much more than liquid detergent, but in this article we will help...

Laundry pod’s cost much more than liquid detergent, but in this article we will help you weigh their value in more ways than just finances. View a list of their pros and cons below to help you decide which is best for you.

laundry pod's cost comparison. Liquid vs pods

Laundry Pod’s Cost Vs Convenience

Laundry pods are a convenient way to do laundry. They are pre-measured and pre-dosed, so you don’t have to worry about measuring out the right amount of detergent. They are also quick and easy to use (Especially to take to the laundromat), just pop one in the washing machine and start the cycle.

Laundry pods are your go to item if you are looking for a convenience and ease of use.

However, laundry pods can be more expensive than other types of laundry detergent. They can also be a choking hazard, so it is important to keep them out of reach of children. Pets and children may also be inclined to putting them into their mouth, so for safety reasons they may not be your go to if you have children or pets.

Here’s a quick look at some of the pros and cons of laundry pods:


  • Convenient
  • Easy to use
  • Less messy than traditional detergent
  • Can be used in all types of washing machines
  • Pre-measured so you may use less and get a better wash


Ultimately, whether or not laundry pods are a good buy for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a convenient and easy way to do laundry, then laundry pods may be a good option for you. However, if you are on a budget or have children or pets, you may want to consider other types of laundry detergent.

Price Breakdown

Tide Pod's Cost verses liquid. Photo of Tide Oxi pods detergent

  • Tide Pods + Oxy
  • $27.24* for 85 pods will do 28 XL loads (3 pods per load)
  • Cost = 97 cent per XL load


Tide Pod's Cost verses liquid. Photo of Tide Oxi liquid detergent

  • Tide Liquid + Oxy
  • $12.97* for 92 fl oz will do 23 XL loads (4 oz per load)
  • Cost = 56 cents per XL load


*Prices above are based on Walmart prices from May of 2023 and are subject to change.

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