A Salute To Men And Laundry
June, the month where we celebrate dads, and more specifically we at Spot want to celebrate men and laundry. So while construction paper cards, crafts of popsicle sticks and hot glue will be made and presented by the younger members of the family. The older set will present ties and grilling items to you and Dads all over the country.
But at Spot, we are taking the time to salute you by taking a stroll down memory lane. Let’s reflect on the very important role that men had in making wash day much easier.
Before There Were Buttons
The Old New
There have been many inventors and patentors of laundry machines over the years. I was fascinated to discover that the first washing machines were sort of like our front load washers, something that seems to have gained popularity only in recent years. Even as early as 1851, James King created a crank drum that sat sideways in a tub of water and you had to hand-crank it to turn it through the water. Very similar to how our modern front load washers work today! It sort of reminded me of rolling down the windows in our cars in the 80s.
Washing Machines Come Home
Although, my favorite inventor was William Blackstone. In 1858, he built the first home-style washing machine. This washer had a tub for washing and a ringer for “spinning” the clothes out. It’s very similar in design to the ringer washers you may have seen or used in the 70s. But what really makes him stand out in history, was why he built it. This invention was a birthday present for his wife, a labor of love. A gift not motivated by marketing or technology; just a husband thoughtfully helping to lighten the load in their home together.
Lightening The Load
And that’s why we salute you, dads; for all the times and all the ways that you thoughtfully help to lighten the load. Thanks for working late to provide for your families, and coming home from work tired, but still finding time to play silly games. For running us to football and soccer and volleyball and cheer and so many other places. And for throwing in a load of smelly clothes at the end of the day to make sure you can do it all again tomorrow.
So, excuse the lame gifts and silly cards, we really do see all of your hard work and truly thank you for lightening the load!